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Hari Sarong 21

Unity Through Sarong; Beyond Borders.

Celebrating the big debut of our talents in the NFT world; we are presenting our very first #malaysiadaydrop in conjunction with #harisarong21, a collaboration of @pentas_io @SketchnationM1 @nfxt_io @locco_my and Rumah Tangsi! The event is also supported by MyCreative, PRISMA and Cendana.

The event commemorates with the celebration of the annual Malaysia Day that falls on 16th September. Being proudly Malaysian, these coalition aims to celebrate our Malaysian SARONG culture to resonates with the rest of the world through both of their similarities and differences. With the tone of Pentas aspiring to become the cultural and heritage hub of the blockchain, we aim to empower our NFT artists from all over the world to create jaw dropping, exclusive and timeless artworks through our theme : Unity Through Sarong; Beyond Borders.


In its second year, Hari Sarong originated as the Keretapi Sarong event which was held in 2017, 2018, and 2019, held to celebrate and instil a community spirit among Malaysians. This year as Locco Malaysia continues to observe the SOPs of the pandemic to keep everyone safe and sound, the “party” will be online.

“The sarong and the art of sarong wearing are Malaysians’ shared culture and heritage regardless of race or creed. We hope that this event can continue to promote harmony and a sense of togetherness among all Malaysians,” said Shamsul Bahrin, the 2021 event organiser.

rumah tangsi

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